Recent Reviews
Death of the Author – The BOLO Books Review
NOTE: This is NOT a mystery novel. This is a science fiction work, which I just happen to think is such an important work, I'm writing a "review" for it. History—and not just pop culture history—will look back on Nnedi Okorafor’s Death of the Author as a decisive and...
The Lost House – The BOLO Books Review
Icelandic crime fiction has been all the rage for a number of years now. Novels by residents of the island nation continue to receive critical acclaim from around the world, so it’s only natural that non-Iceland writers are beginning to utilize the location as well....
Beautiful Ugly – The BOLO Books Review
As she has released each of her six psychological suspense novels, Alice Feeney has steadily made the climb as a consistent favorite with fans of that subgenre. Now with the release of her seventh book—Beautiful Ugly—she seems poised to gather even more readers to her...
Recent Interviews
Sisters in Crime Podcast Interview with Kristopher Zgorski
From the Booking Desk: A few weeks back, I was invited by Julie Hennrikus to be a guest on the SinC Writers' Podcast. We had a lovely conversation about my reviewing journey, my philosophies about criticism, useful tips about the unique relationship between authors...
Remote, Me – Kristopher’s Virtual Events
From the Booking Desk: I hope that this posting finds you and yours healthy and happy during this most stressful time in American history. Before I say anything else, please remember to VOTE; we need every voice to be heard during this unprecedented election.No doubt...
A Chat with Me – Kristopher Zgorski and John Valeri
From the Booking Desk: I was honored to be invited as a guest on John B. Valeri's YouTube show, Central Booking. If you have ever wanted to know more about the book blogging experience, this is the chat for you. We cover everything from the origins of the blog, the...
Recent Articles
Catriona McPherson on Pranks – A BOLO Books Guest Post
From the Booking Desk: Fans of BOLO Books have surely noticed that Catriona McPherson is the most frequent Guest Post guest on this blog. There are many reasons for this--among them: 1. She asks, 2. I am a fan of her books, 3. She is a friend and advocate for not only...
Second Cover Reveal – The Beat of Black Wings
From the Booking Desk: No, you are not experiencing Déjà vu. BOLO Books has previously done a cover reveal for The Beat of Black Wings: Crime Fiction Inspired by The Songs of Joni Mitchell back in 2020. But this excellent anthology is being re-released by a new...
Cover Reveal – What We Left Unsaid
From the Booking Desk: I first became aware of Winnie Li when she released and toured with her emotionally devastating debut novel, Dark Chapter. We struck up a friendship on social media and eventually met in person when she was touring again with her second novel,...