
KRISTOPHER ZGORSKI and BOLO Books were awarded the RAVEN AWARD from the Mystery Writers of America in 2018. In 2024, Kristopher received the AMELIA AWARD from Malice Domestic.

Kristopher Zgorski and Dru Ann Love won the AGATHA AWARD FOR BEST SHORT STORY of 2023 for “TIcket to Ride”–their collaboration which appears in HAPPINESS IS A WARM GUN: CRIME FICITON INSPIRED BY THE SONGS OF THE BEATLES


Welcome to BOLO Books. The blog name comes from the common police acronym meaning “be on the look out.” (or “be on the lookout” – depending on your source). This is especially appropriate in this case, as this blog will focus on books in the mystery and thriller genre. Crime fiction is my passion and I want to share that with you.


My name is Kristopher and I have long been a fan of this genre and regularly attend conferences related to the subject. In addition to the blog, I have a regular column – Central Booking – in Deadly Pleasures Magazine. Some of my reviews also run in Crimespree Magazine and appear on the ezine Shots website (based in the UK).


It is possible that an early childhood experience with an unsolved crime has something to do with my inclination toward the mystery genre: when I was in the single digits, a hideously-wounded stabbing victim stumbled up on my friend’s front porch to plea for help. Being too young, I never did find out any of the details of the crime nor what ended up happening to the man. Thus a fan of mysteries was created.


BOLO Books is designed to highlight new books on or just before their release date. Regular features of the blog have included: weekly BOLOs (brief mentions of soon to be released books along with cover and jacket copy), BOLO Books Reviews (in-depth reviews of recently released titles), author interviews, occasional guest posts, Composite Sketch interviews, and underCOVER posts (brief critiques of cover designs and trends in covers).


It is my goal to spread positive word-of-mouth on books that I feel are worth the investment of your time and money. If my work can get just one undiscovered book into the hands of a reader who loves it as much as I did, I will consider this blog successful.



FTC Disclaimer:  Unless otherwise noted, all books reviewed on this site were purchased by the blog owner. In cases where another source is noted, reviews still remain unbiased.  I never accept payment or gifts in exchange for reviews.


Review Copy Policy:  Most of my blog content (reviews, interviews, guest posts) is generated from my own research and knowledge of the genre and its authors. Publishers generally know what titles will appeal to me for this blog and will reach out to request a review. For the 2023 cycle, I have chosen to consider limited review requests and focus on books that are of particular interest to me. This does not mean you can’t contact me to let me know of your upcoming release, but chances are that if I am interested, I have already been in contact with you, your publicist, or your publisher to request a galley. Except in very special cases, BOLO Books does not review backlist titles or titles after their release date. Due to volume, BOLO Books rarely reviews self-published work unless the subject matter is of particular interest to me and my followers. Since BOLO Books does not post negative reviews, I can not guarantee that all books received will result in a mention on the blog.


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