From the Booking Desk:

J. M. Redmann’s mystery series featuring Micky Knight is much-beloved because of her ability to craft characters with depth, her complex plots that unspool naturally, and her skill at transporting readers with authentically depicted settings. I was even lucky enough to briefly lend my name to a character in the last novel, Not Dead Enough, playing to type as a go-go dancer (LOL) at a club where Micky finds herself conducting an investigation. Redmann’s fans–like myself–eagerly await the next entry in the series, so I’m beyond excited to reveal to you the cover for Transitory.

Jacket Copy:

The cops blow it off, another Black transgender woman who surprised a customer with what was under the dress. Bad luck she was pushed out of the car and then hit by another vehicle. But Micky Knight witnessed it, crossing the street at the right—or wrong—time, only yards from what didn’t look like an accident to her. The woman was dressed more like a librarian than a sex worker. It’s not her case, she was just walking home from a local bar. She has other cases to deal with, an imperious, but well-paying Uptown grandmother looking for her grandson, kicked out of the family for being gay. Bars she does security for being targeted by ugly robberies. But it’s hard to walk away from the woman who asked her for help as she lay dying. A gay grandson, queer bars and a murdered transgender woman—as she investigates one, she uncovers information about the others and uncovers a family in turmoil and people with ugly secrets–ones people will kill for.

Available this September from Bold Strokes Books