From the Booking Desk:
This post continues my list of the best reads of 2012.
You can find the books from DAY ONE, TWO and THREE – here, here, and here.
NOTE: These books appear in no particular order, as I would find it impossible to rank them.
BOLO Books Comments:
Gone Girl is the book that is on virtually EVERY Top list for the year. There is little doubt that history will look back on this book as a masterpiece. What Gillian Flynn is able to do with a very simple premise is to be commended. Count me among those who would have preferred a few more chapters in resolution; but even with that, this novel was an easy choice to make the Top 12 of ’12 list.
BOLO Books Comments:
Suzanne Brockman moved from Romantic Suspense to Urban Fantasy with this first title in her new series. Born to Darkness introduces us to a team of scientific researchers who call themselves “Greater-Thans” because they are able to access abilities average citizens can not. In doing so, she has created a series that easily has the potential to be greater-than all others in the Urban Fantasy genre. This book is heavy on the romance elements, so while not a typical book for recommending on this blog, I couldn’t leave it off my best-of list.
BOLO Books Comments:
My other non-blog-related title is this poetry collection by Leslea Newman. It is a heart-wrenching collection of poems concerning the horrible and unnecessary murder of Matthew Shepard. Leslea is the author of Heather Has Two Mommies, which she was scheduled to discuss in Wyoming the same week as Matthew’s death. It is clear from the poems that she is still haunted by this crime. Her work here is keeping Matthew’s memory alive and making sure that none of us forget that no one should be condemned because of who they love. With 68 poems from the perspective of both the “silent witnesses” (the fence, the deer, the stars) and others more directly involved, Leslea has created a document that will forever stand the test of time – just as Matthew’s memory must.
Check back on New Year’s Eve, December 31st, to see a full gallery of the covers in my Top 12 of ’12 list. The perfect way to end the year and start the process over again for 2013.
“How to have the worst day of your life” was particularly affecting. You feel you are in the room, in the bed, in the head of the writer when the jangling of the phone signals the disconnect with happiness; the beginning of an existence under the lifelong blanket of misery that comes with profound loss.