From the Booking Desk:
I first “met” Edith Maxwell because she and I were (and are) both frequent commenters on the posts at the excellent Jungle Red Writers blog. It was a Malice Domestic, I believe, when our paths finally crossed in person – shortly before Edith’s first book under her own name was released. Now she is writing multiple series and I get to see her at just about every mystery conference I attend (always a highlight). Today, she joins us at BOLO Books to answer the Composite Sketch questions. I know you will enjoy this.
Name: Edith Maxwell
Location: North of Boston
This person from my personal life is such an inspiration:
My dear friend Annie Tunstall, a fellow Quaker and a lifelong activist, is eighty-five. Despite breaking both hips and a wrist in one year, she is unfailingly positive, generous, and interested in life. She keeps her mind active, journals every day, writes letters, and reads constantly. She delights in news about my sons and about my books and has taught me so much about gratitude and intention – and perseverance.
One of the people I admire most in the crime fiction community is:
Since I can’t possibly pick one, I name all the debut authors I’ve met through the Sisters in Crime Guppies chapter. They say to themselves (as I did ten years ago), “Somebody’s going to get published, and it might as well be me.” They write, study, write, network, write some more, and most important, persevere and don’t give up their dream (including Mia Manansala, who was featured here in December).
STALKER ALERT! If this fictional character were real, they would likely need to get a restraining order against me:
You’d have to keep me away from Julia Spencer-Fleming’s Clare Fergusson. I love her passion for justice and for Russ Van Alstyne in equal measure, and I wish I were Clare’s next-door neighbor and close friend – or sidekick, even. I’d have to draw the line at joining her Episcopal church (see comment about being Quaker above) but otherwise you could find me tailing her and possibly drooling.
People are always surprised that I am a fan of this individual (singer, actor, or artist):
I’m going to pick a genre rather than an individual. I doubt anyone except a couple of long-ago lovers know I ADORE disco music. I spent so many happy hours in the late seventies and early eighties dancing to disco. I didn’t have the outfits (I was a PhD student, so…), but I still love the energy and dance-happiness of the music.
My personal catch phrase is (or should be):
Carpe diem – Make the most of this one wild and precious life (thanks, Mary Oliver!). Don’t waste a second. Indulge in what you love and follow your passions.
I am a huge fan of Edith Maxwell’s work. Her work as Maddie Day and the breakfast diner series is great fun. As a testament to her versatility, the Quaker midwife series is beautifully written. thanks for featuring her.
Thanks so much, Kimberley!
Kris, these are always a treat, but Edith is particularly inspiring. I love her writing.
Thank you, Vida. That is very sweet.
Nice to see you here, Edith!
Thanks, Sherry, and thanks for sharing!
Right on the mark!
Thanks, Debra!
Great recap of a fabulous person!
Aww, thanks, Liz!
So nice to get to know you a little better. Never would have taken you for a disco person.
I already loved you (fanwise of course) but knowing that you are a fan of Julia Spenser-Fleming just upped your rating. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Jeanie. We are all fans of Julia around here.
Thanks, Jeanie. I am one of the legions awaiting her next book!
Thanks, Mark!
Love all your series. Please know that I would be that other person you see stalking Claire and Russ.
Happy to see you here, Edith. Wishing you continuing success with your writing.
Thanks so much, Grace! Right back atcha.
What fun this is!I hope to see you at Malice, Edith.
Of course, Kaye!
Nice to see Edith here. Love her books and her comments on JRW
Thanks so much, Danielle!
Thought I commented before but guess it didn’t go through. Great article as always, Kris. And thanks for the mention, Edith!
Thanks Mia. Got your comment this time.