From The Booking Desk:
Nancie Clare is an author, journalist, and true lover of mystery novels. Probably best known for her excellent interviews on the Speaking of Mysteries Podcast, she and I connected via social media very early on in the life of BOLO Books. Needless to say, I am thrilled to have her as a guest here today and hope that those of you who know her will learn something new and those of you who have not yet made her acquaintance will feel like they have made a new friend.
Name: Nancie Clare
Location: Los Angeles, CA
This person from my personal life is such an inspiration:
Gwen Moran. Gwen is a freelance writer who lives in New Jersey. Our first interactions were professional: I was an editor who liked her work and gave her as many assignments as she could handle. When I changed jobs, she was one of the writers I took with me. When I was no longer an editor, we remained friends. Then Gwen was diagnosed with breast cancer. Just the way she handled the entire ordeal, the grit and honesty with which she wrote about the process, her remission and the impact the medications have had on her life is humbling to those of us (meaning me) who have never had to face such a challenge. Her strength is in her family and her faith and my admiration for her knows no bounds.
One of the people I admire most in the crime fiction community is:
J.K. Rowling. I know, she must seem like an easy go-to, but Ms. Rowling did her best to enter crime fiction writing without falling back on her famous name. Yes, she had the advantage of already having an agent, but she put her first Cormoran Strike novel out there as Robert Galbraith. I know, I was one of the reviewers who received a NetGalley invitation for The Cuckoo’s Calling, from the “first-time” mystery writer. I also spoke to Scottish mystery writer Alex Gray, who received an early galley for a blurb. She had no idea who Robert Galbraith was, nor that Ms. Rowling had specifically requested that the galley be sent to her, but Alex did tell me that she moaned to husband, something along the lines of “why do I even bother, when someone can write this well first time out of the gate.”
STALKER ALERT! If this fictional character were real, they would likely need to get a restraining order against me:
Joe Pike.
People are always surprised that I am a fan of this individual (singer, actor, or artist):
Barry Manilow.
My personal catch phrase is:
“Never show a child or an idiot a half-finished thing.”
Nice to meet a fellow Los Angeles mystery fan. I think this is the first time I’ve seen JK Rowling pop up here, but your reasons for choosing her make perfect sense to me.
I don’t believe anyone else has chosen Rowling (Galbraith) either.