From the Booking Desk:
Because she is a Canadian-based author, I first met S. G. Wong at the Bouchercon in Toronto. (And those headed to Left Coast Crime – Vancouver, be sure to say hi to S. G.)
Unlike with some authors, where you just pass them in the hallway and say hi, or you see them on a panel and signing event, with S. G., it was different. She was one of the co-heads of our Pub Quiz team. A team that also featured, among others, Dru Ann Love, Judy Bobalik, and Deanna Raybourn. Now, we lost – and I still say it was the fault of the multi-part questions – but that doesn’t matter. We had a blast and I am thrilled to introduce you all to S. G. Wong as part of the Composite Sketch profile series.
Name: S.G. Wong
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
This person from my personal life is such an inspiration:
My answer is two people: my children. Though they forbid me from using their names, I am allowed to say their ages: 12 and 15. They inspire me to be all the things they are: kind and generous, funny, fun, and good-hearted, creative and supportive. They’re happy being weird in their own myriad ways, which inspires me to choose divergent paths for myself; to explore things in my work that might otherwise just be frightening to attempt; and to be okay with being considered weird/strange/an outsider when others don’t quite understand what I’m about.
Plus, they are mind-bendingly talented at doing absolutely nothing and enjoying it. I deeply envy that ability.
One of the people I admire most in the crime fiction community is:
Attica Locke—for speaking out in the cause of justice, in the face of potential career-impacting backlash. It takes courage to speak out like she did on an international stage, as it were. As a woman of colour, I’m inspired by her courage and empowered by her example.
As well, I admire her beautiful, compelling craft. So far, of her work, I’ve only read Bluebird, Bluebird. I thought it was sharp and moving and compassionate, all qualities I aspire to in my own work.
STALKER ALERT! If this fictional character were real, they would likely need to get a restraining order against me:
…Oh…I’m just supposed to choose one…
Keanu Reeves! Oh wait, he’s real. (I think.)
Um, okay, then I’ll say Veronica Speedwell from the most excellent eponymous novel series by Deanna Raybourn. For obvious reasons.
People are always surprised that I am a fan of this individual (singer, actor, or artist):
I’m an eclectic music lover who usually leans toward iterations of folk and jazz, but there’s something fun and romantic about a lot of Keith Urban’s country/pop songs that floats my boat. I know, right? *shrug* I blame growing up listening to The Eagles and ABBA and Strauss waltzes. (Thanks, Dad!)
My personal catch phrase is (or should be):
I say both of these to my children far too many times for their liking, I’m sure…
“I’d rather laugh than cry” by which I mean, life can be hard and there are plenty of things which require serious attention and care, but I don’t take myself too seriously if I can help it.
And: “I’d rather be kind than right.” It’s a daily challenge, because I do so enjoy being right, but I do the best I can at this one.
Rather laugh than cry. What a great catch phrase.