From the Booking Desk:
If you are a fan of the Noir-side of the crime fiction genre, Tom Pitts is a name that will already be familiar to you – rightfully so. But for those who are out of the loop, BOLO Books is happy to host the cover reveal for Tom Pitts’ new novel, Coldwater. Pitts can be counted on to offer relevant plots peopled by relatable characters in really bad situations, always written with a finessed hand, a dark sense of humor, and a cinematic eye for action. With a dramatic cover such as this, how can readers resist?

After a miscarriage, a young couple move from San Francisco to the Sacramento suburbs to restart their lives. When the vacant house across the street is taken over by who they think are squatters, they’re pulled into a battle neither of them bargained for. The gang of unruly drug addicts who’ve infested their block have a dark and secret history that reaches beyond their neighborhood and all the way to the most powerful and wealthy men in California.
L.A. fixer, Calper Dennings, is sent by a private party to quell the trouble before it affects his employer, but before he can finish the job, he too is pulled into the violent dark world of a man with endless resources to destroy anyone around him.
Publication date: March 9, 2020
ISBN: 978-1-64396-081-4
Estimated pricing: $16.95 (trade paperback) $6.99 (digital)
Pre-order: Coldwater by Tom Pitts (Down & Out Books)
Great cover, Tom! And I love that Kristopher hosted the reveal.