From the Booking Desk:
The beauty of conventions like Bouchercon and Malice Domestic is that it allows readers to be introduced to new writers – some of the start of their careers, others further in. I had the distinct pleasure of meeting Gale Massey at the St. Petersburg, FL Bouchercon in 2018, the same year that her excellent debut novel, The Girl From Blind River, was released. She is just as kind as can be, with wit and intelligence to spare. We have stayed in contact since and I thought it was about time that I bring her here to BOLO Books for the Composite Sketch feature. If you haven’t yet met Gale, you are in for a treat.

Name: Gale Massey
Location: St. Petersburg, Florida
This person from my personal life is such an inspiration:
My partner, Lyra. She’s the most generous and vibrant woman I’ve ever met. Her work ethic amazes me and challenges me to do better every day. She embodies everything you’ve ever heard about Geminis and possesses a compelling charisma that draws people to her. Every single day, she encourages me and supports me in pursuing my goals in art and life. She’s amazing and I’m lucky to be in her sphere.
One of the people I admire most in the crime fiction community is:
I have three, thank you. Erin Mitchell! If she doesn’t know the answer to a question, she can find it within minutes. Not only is she extraordinary, she’s one of the kindest and most supportive humans, especially to writers, on the planet. I’m proud to call her a friend. Then there’s Sterling Watson. Not only did he co-found Writers in Paradise at Eckerd College, but he’s written eight novels, taught creative writing for thirty-five years, and mentored more writers (including me) than anyone can count. And finally, there is Cheryl Hollon, author of two mystery series and one of the hardest working authors in the business. When she’s not attending a conference, she’s writing a blog or finishing another manuscript. We both live in St. Petersburg so each week we find some time to sit together and work quietly on our respective projects. She’s constantly blowing right by me, smiling the whole time.
STALKER ALERT! If this fictional character were real, they would likely need to get a restraining order against me:
Ree Dolly. Everyone who has heard me talk books knows about my obsession with Daniel Woodrell’s Winter’s Bone, but that book blew the bars off the cage in terms of complex female characters. I would love to have a beer with Ree and see what she has become of her all these years later.
People are always surprised that I am a fan of this individual (singer, actor, or artist):
Emmylou Harris. It shouldn’t be a surprise though. She is one of America’s best and most original story tellers. And she’s still selling out concert halls all over the planet. I just saw her in Chapel Hill, NC. As soon as the first note comes out of her mouth you know who you’re listening to – and that she has something to say.
My personal catch phrase is (or should be):
Nevertheless, she persisted. It’s how I’ve lived my life and it means even more to me now that so many women are standing up to speak truth to power. I believe we’ll get through this difficult cultural and political time if and when women’s voices are amplified.

So nice to meet you, Gale.