Gwen Florio – A BOLO Books Composite Sketch

From the Booking Desk: Gwen Florio is a wonderful writer, a fierce advocate for the crime fiction community, and has been a long-time supporter of BOLO Books. We were chatting off-line about something recently when I was inspired to offer her a slot here on the...

Robb Cadigan – A BOLO Books Composite Sketch

From the Booking Desk: For years, Robb Cadigan and I would meet up occasionally at crime fiction conventions or local area book signings and those chats were always highlights of those events, so when I heard that he was actually going to accomplish his dream of...

Liz Milliron – A BOLO Books Composite Sketch

From the Booking Desk: I first met Liz Milliron as Mary Lederman Sutton – not really such an unusual occurrence in a genre populated by pen-names. She has been a loyal advocate for this blog from very early on, long before the blog itself was of any benefit to...

Teresa Wilson – A BOLO Books Composite Sketch

From the Booking Desk: There are some people in our crime fiction community that you only get to see at conventions. Teresa Wilson is one of them. And let me tell you, every time I see her, it is like reuniting with an old friend. She is the very definition of a warm...

Barbara Ross – A BOLO Books Composite Sketch

From the Booking Desk: I will be in Barbara Ross territory next month for New England Crime Bake (followed by a vacation in Maine), so this seemed the perfect time to invite her to participate in our weekly Composite Sketch series. Barbara’s most popular series...