Cover Reveal – Dutch Threat

From the Booking Desk: Loyal followers of BOLO Books have likely noticed that I have done several cover reveals for Josh Pachter’s short story anthologies–in fact there’s another very special one of those coming next Tuesday. But today, I am happy to...

Cover Reveal – Transitory

From the Booking Desk: J. M. Redmann’s mystery series featuring Micky Knight is much-beloved because of her ability to craft characters with depth, her complex plots that unspool naturally, and her skill at transporting readers with authentically depicted...

Cover Reveal – The General’s Gold

From the Booking Desk: I have been a fan of both LynDee Walker and Bruce Robert Coffin for a very long time–both as authors and as people. It would be a struggle to find two nicer individuals, completely free of drama, within our crime fiction community. They...

Cover Reveal – The Hint of Light

From the Booking Desk: I first met Kristin Kisska on the crime fiction convention circuit. We immediately hit it off and she invited my good friend (and now co-author) Dru Ann Love and I to present our DOs and DON’Ts OF WORKING WITH BOOK BLOGGERS lecture to her...

Cover Reveal – Sanctuary Motel

From the Booking Desk: Alan Orloff graciously agreed to be one of my first guest on WE ARE WHAT WE READ, so when he asked me if I would be interested in hosting the cover reveal for his new novel (coming in October from Level Best Books), I quickly said yes....

Cover Reveal – Because the Night

From the Booking Desk: I am thrilled to host the cover reveal for the new Henry Malone novel from James D. F. Hannah. James and I have been friends for a number of years and invariably make sure to meet up when we are attending the same convention. As always, I am...